Media item
MacBeth 11/33
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- MP4 (360x288, sd 47.0 MB): 01/81/181117.181104.macbeth_Lint_200[..].mp4
- MP4 (720x576, hd 89.3 MB): 01/81/181119.181104.macbeth_Lint_200[..].mp4
- WEBM (360x288, sd 46.6 MB): 01/81/181121.181104.macbeth_Lint_20[..].webm
- OGV (360x288, sd 8.9 MB): 01/81/181113.181104.macbeth_Lint_200[..].ogv
- OGV (720x576, hd 60.9 MB): 01/81/181115.181104.macbeth_Lint_200[..].ogv
- MP4 (720x576, source 215.1 MB): 01/81/181104.macbeth_Lint_200001263.[..].mp4
Actors Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the limit to fulfill their ambitions – getting more and more blood on their hands
Pierre Bokma and Marieke Heebink portray the infamous Shakespearian couple that, driven by an insatiable lust for power, are prepared to go to the limit to fulfill their ambitions – getting more and more blood on their hands. The actors give credit to the linear story (filled with supernatural elements) of the commander who, inspired by the prophecies of three witches (here played by male actors), aspires to become king. Bokma and Heebink show in their own way how evil slowly creeps into their minds and how they finally self-destruct out of madness and remorse. Paul Gallis designed the set with black walls before the intermission and red ones after it. In the middle of the stage stands a large bowl with clear water in which heads are cooled and hands are washed. In the end the water is blood red. The fantasy costumes were designed by Tessa Lute: austere long skirts and jackets, fanciful battle dresses and a lot of variations on Scottish chequered tartan.
- Creator:
- Toneelgroep Amsterdam, Gerardjan Rijnders (regie) / Erik Lint (video)
- Publication date:
- 27 красавіка 2001
- Length:
- 05:23
- Contributions:
- Rijnders, Gerardjan (regie)
Shakespeare, William (auteur)
Brogt, Janine (vertaling, bewerking, dramaturgie)
Bokma, Pierre (uitvoerende: Macbeth)
Heebink, Marieke (uitvoerende: Lady Macbeth)
Muizelaar, Titus (uitvoerende: Duncan, koning van Schotland / Menteth / Moordenaar / Heks)
Oaïssa, Mimoun (uitvoerende: Malcolm en Donalbain, zijn zonen / Heks)
Claeyssens, Maarten (uitvoerende: Malcolm en Donalbain zijn zonen / Heks / Fleance, zoon van Banquo / Zoontje van Macduff / Siward jr / Bodes / Dienaren)
Goessens, Fred (uitvoerende: Banquo / Siward sr)
Voorberg, Leon (uitvoerende: Macduff / Kapitein / Bode / Dienaar)
Fernhout, Roeland (uitvoerende: Rosse)
Koolschijn, Hugo (uitvoerende: Lenox)
Vandenbussche, Jorre (uitvoerende: Angus / Seyton / Moordenaar / Bode / Dienaar)
Pouwels, Barbara (uitvoerende: Lady Macduff / Oude poortwachter / Heks)
Gallis, Paul (decor)
Lute, Tessa (kostuums)
Geest, Henk van der (licht)
Mohr, Rosalie (productie)
Jong, Aline de (productie)
Atelier Toneelgroep Amsterdam (grime, kapwerk)
Toneelgroep Amsterdam (producent) - Type:
- video
- Original format:
- Magnetic tape
- User:
- uvathw