
Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.

The wild duck 04/25
The wild duck 04/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:38) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 01/25
The wild duck 01/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:34) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 03/25
The wild duck 03/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:44) 28 Mar 2003
The wild duck 20/25
The wild duck 20/25
Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:08) 28 Mar 2003
Double Points: Bertha 1/6
Double Points: Bertha 1/6
The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:55) 18 Apr 2003
Double Points: Bertha 5/6
Double Points: Bertha 5/6
The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:11) 18 Apr 2003
Double Points: Bertha 4/6
Double Points: Bertha 4/6
The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (04:44) 18 Apr 2003
Double Points: Bertha 1/6
Double Points: Bertha 1/6
The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:15) 18 Apr 2003
Double Points: Bertha 2/6
Double Points: Bertha 2/6
The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:46) 18 Apr 2003
Double Points: Bertha 1/6
Double Points: Bertha 1/6
The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (05:27) 18 Apr 2003

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Results from complete repository (10,724)

Rag Doll Romance, A
Rag Doll Romance, A
A short film with all kinds of comic complications between poor Mr. (10:44) 31 Dec 1921
Opwindende ochtend, Een (Schoolday Love)
Opwindende ochtend, Een (Schoolday Love)
A short comic children's film about a boy and a girl who experience all manner of adventures with a dog, a horse, a monkey, and other animals. (21:57) 31 Dec 1921
Accidents will happen
Accidents will happen
A comic one-act film about an insurance agent who has to sell an insurance policy to a reluctant client in order to win over the daughter of the insurance c... (16:58) 31 Dec 1921
Wedstrijd in het bomen
Wedstrijd in het bomen
Weeknummer 22-05Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:09) 31 Dec 1921
Marga Graf
Marga Graf
Week number 22-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (04:26) 31 Dec 1921
Water sport with seesaws
Water sport with seesaws
Week number 22-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:58) 31 Dec 1921
Vrijheidsbond, feest in dierentuin
Vrijheidsbond, feest in dierentuin
Verkiezingscampagne van de Vrijheidsbond met het oog op de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen in 1922, waarbij 10 zetels veroverd werden. De Vrijheidsbond ontstond do... (01:44) 01 Jan 1922
Stemmen verkiezingen
Stemmen verkiezingen
In 1922 mogen vrouwen voor het eerst hun stem uitbrengen voor de Tweede Kamer. Koningin-moeder Emma, begeleid door hofdames en een lakei, arriveert bij het ... (03:26) 01 Jan 1922
Pander meubelfabrieken (acte 3)
Pander meubelfabrieken (acte 3)
Derde en laatste akte van een uit ongemonteerd materiaal samengestelde film over de meubelfabrieken van de Fa. Pander en Zonen te Den Haag. (09:17) 01 Jan 1922
Winter in Den haag / IJs in Den Haag
Winter in Den haag / IJs in Den Haag
Beelden van schaatsenrijden op de Haagsche IJsbaan bij de Schenk. Representatief voor de 20-er jaren. (05:08) 01 Jan 1922

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