Below you will find the media items sorted by date of upload.
- The wild duck 04/25
- Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:38) 28 Mar 2003
- The wild duck 01/25
- Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:34) 28 Mar 2003
- The wild duck 03/25
- Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (03:44) 28 Mar 2003
- The wild duck 20/25
- Henrik Ibsen’s play about the downfall of a family in search of ideals and truth (04:08) 28 Mar 2003
- Double Points: Bertha 1/6
- The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:55) 18 Apr 2003
- Double Points: Bertha 5/6
- The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:11) 18 Apr 2003
- Double Points: Bertha 4/6
- The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (04:44) 18 Apr 2003
- Double Points: Bertha 1/6
- The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:15) 18 Apr 2003
- Double Points: Bertha 2/6
- The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (03:46) 18 Apr 2003
- Double Points: Bertha 1/6
- The Bermudez TriangleThrough email correspondence with Austrian writer/critic Helmut Ploebst, Bertha Bermudez Pascual examines her past as a classical dancer (05:27) 18 Apr 2003
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Results from complete repository (10,724)
- Rag Doll Romance, A
- A short film with all kinds of comic complications between poor Mr. (10:44) 31 Dec 1921
- Opwindende ochtend, Een (Schoolday Love)
- A short comic children's film about a boy and a girl who experience all manner of adventures with a dog, a horse, a monkey, and other animals. (21:57) 31 Dec 1921
- Accidents will happen
- A comic one-act film about an insurance agent who has to sell an insurance policy to a reluctant client in order to win over the daughter of the insurance c... (16:58) 31 Dec 1921
- Wedstrijd in het bomen
- Weeknummer 22-05Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:09) 31 Dec 1921
- Marga Graf
- Week number 22-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (04:26) 31 Dec 1921
- Water sport with seesaws
- Week number 22-04Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:58) 31 Dec 1921
- Vrijheidsbond, feest in dierentuin
- Verkiezingscampagne van de Vrijheidsbond met het oog op de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen in 1922, waarbij 10 zetels veroverd werden. De Vrijheidsbond ontstond do... (01:44) 01 Jan 1922
- Stemmen verkiezingen
- In 1922 mogen vrouwen voor het eerst hun stem uitbrengen voor de Tweede Kamer. Koningin-moeder Emma, begeleid door hofdames en een lakei, arriveert bij het ... (03:26) 01 Jan 1922
- Pander meubelfabrieken (acte 3)
- Derde en laatste akte van een uit ongemonteerd materiaal samengestelde film over de meubelfabrieken van de Fa. Pander en Zonen te Den Haag. (09:17) 01 Jan 1922
- Winter in Den haag / IJs in Den Haag
- Beelden van schaatsenrijden op de Haagsche IJsbaan bij de Schenk. Representatief voor de 20-er jaren. (05:08) 01 Jan 1922
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