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Element hunter Yuri Oganessian on creating new chemical elem...
Element hunter Yuri Oganessian on creating new chemical elements
Russian nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian from the world renowned nuclear lab in Russia's Dubna welcomes the first non-Russian film crew at his lab, talking... (01:06:43) 20 скв 2016
Donald Hoffman: Extra footage 2
Donald Hoffman: Extra footage 2
Donald Hoffman in an in-depth discussion with his parents on the intersections and mutually exclusive aspects of religion and science (53:00) 01 май 2015
Donald Hoffman: Extra footage 1
Donald Hoffman: Extra footage 1
Donald Hoffman on an eye-tracking experiment, and discussing mathematical models figuring in his theory (19:56) 01 май 2016
Donald Hoffman on what reality is
Donald Hoffman on what reality is
Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman talks about how evolution and quantum physics can let us experience other realities than we think. (48:41) 01 май 2016
Chemist Hans Clevers replaces worn-down body parts with orga...
Chemist Hans Clevers replaces worn-down body parts with organoids created outside the body
Dutch chemist Hans Clevers makes organoids (living organs outside the body) out of stem cells. If every human body part can be replaced by organoids, what d... (01:07:20) 01 стд 1960
Charles Spence: extra footage 1
Charles Spence: extra footage 1
Charles Spence on his way to his laboratory, and discussing work with his student Alejandro Salgado Montejo (15:02) 26 чрв 2016
Carolina Cruz on how virtual reality will shape the world of...
Carolina Cruz on how virtual reality will shape the world of tomorrow
Virtual reality pioneer Carolina Cruz shows us what happens when the real and the virtual world intersect. (01:27:15) 06 лпн 2016
Carolina Cruz - Extra Footage
Carolina Cruz - Extra Footage
Carolina Cruz and her son playing with the hololens; research of various AR and VR applications at the laboratory. (15:23) 06 чрв 2016
California Dreaming
California Dreaming
California is a strong brand, the state of new beginnings, dreams and movie stars, of surfers and a wonderful climate. But the Golden State is bankrupt and ... (49:13) 28 май 2011
Biochemist Lee Cronin on creating artificial life
Biochemist Lee Cronin on creating artificial life
Biochemist Lee Cronin of the Univesity of Glasgow about his quest for creating synthetic life and the possibilities of printing molecules. (01:19:45) 01 стд 1960

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Results from complete repository (10,949)

Zuyderzee works
Zuyderzee works
Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (10:15) 01 стд 1930
Zuyderzee works
Zuyderzee works
Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:57) 01 стд 1930
Zuyderzee works
Zuyderzee works
Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:26) 01 стд 1930
Zuyderzee works
Zuyderzee works
Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:34) 01 стд 1930
Zuyderzee works
Zuyderzee works
Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:10) 01 стд 1930
Zuyderzee works
Zuyderzee works
Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (05:35) 01 стд 1930
Bedrijfsfilm over de groentedrogerij van de firma Blad. Witte kolen worden machinaal verwerkt tot zuurkool. Opslag van de vaten op het buitenterrein, afvoer... (08:14) 01 стд 1918
Weeknummer 45-49Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:11) 29 ліс 1945
Zus Braun gaat weer voor het eerst te water
Zus Braun gaat weer voor het eerst te water
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 2 uit 1933. (00:55) 01 стд 1933
Zuringwants loopt over berkje
Zuringwants loopt over berkje
Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (03:51) 14 жнв 2013

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