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- Element hunter Yuri Oganessian on creating new chemical elem...
- Russian nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian from the world renowned nuclear lab in Russia's Dubna welcomes the first non-Russian film crew at his lab, talking... (01:06:43) 20 скв 2016
- Donald Hoffman: Extra footage 2
- Donald Hoffman in an in-depth discussion with his parents on the intersections and mutually exclusive aspects of religion and science (53:00) 01 май 2015
- Donald Hoffman: Extra footage 1
- Donald Hoffman on an eye-tracking experiment, and discussing mathematical models figuring in his theory (19:56) 01 май 2016
- Donald Hoffman on what reality is
- Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman talks about how evolution and quantum physics can let us experience other realities than we think. (48:41) 01 май 2016
- Chemist Hans Clevers replaces worn-down body parts with orga...
- Dutch chemist Hans Clevers makes organoids (living organs outside the body) out of stem cells. If every human body part can be replaced by organoids, what d... (01:07:20) 01 стд 1960
- Charles Spence: extra footage 1
- Charles Spence on his way to his laboratory, and discussing work with his student Alejandro Salgado Montejo (15:02) 26 чрв 2016
- Carolina Cruz on how virtual reality will shape the world of...
- Virtual reality pioneer Carolina Cruz shows us what happens when the real and the virtual world intersect. (01:27:15) 06 лпн 2016
- Carolina Cruz - Extra Footage
- Carolina Cruz and her son playing with the hololens; research of various AR and VR applications at the laboratory. (15:23) 06 чрв 2016
- California Dreaming
- California is a strong brand, the state of new beginnings, dreams and movie stars, of surfers and a wonderful climate. But the Golden State is bankrupt and ... (49:13) 28 май 2011
- Biochemist Lee Cronin on creating artificial life
- Biochemist Lee Cronin of the Univesity of Glasgow about his quest for creating synthetic life and the possibilities of printing molecules. (01:19:45) 01 стд 1960
Results from complete repository (10,949)
- Zuyderzee works
- Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (10:15) 01 стд 1930
- Zuyderzee works
- Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:57) 01 стд 1930
- Zuyderzee works
- Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:26) 01 стд 1930
- Zuyderzee works
- Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:34) 01 стд 1930
- Zuyderzee works
- Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (07:10) 01 стд 1930
- Zuyderzee works
- Film over de uitvoering van de Zuiderzeewerken (1927 - 1932). (05:35) 01 стд 1930
- Zuurkoolfabricage
- Bedrijfsfilm over de groentedrogerij van de firma Blad. Witte kolen worden machinaal verwerkt tot zuurkool. Opslag van de vaten op het buitenterrein, afvoer... (08:14) 01 стд 1918
- Zuurkoolfabricage
- Weeknummer 45-49Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:11) 29 ліс 1945
- Zus Braun gaat weer voor het eerst te water
- Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 2 uit 1933. (00:55) 01 стд 1933
- Zuringwants loopt over berkje
- Clip gemaakt in de Nederlandse natuur uit de collectie van Stichting Natuurbeelden ( (03:51) 14 жнв 2013